
Paul and Janet Wilson

Kent pin host

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Meet your pin host

We are Paul and Janet Wilson

We started our property journey 3 years ago and have made every single mistake that you can imagine. We jumped from course to course before finally
Joining the Property Mastermind Programme. Having completed the course we are now Mastermind Graduates and we have built up a portfolio of 2 HMO’s, a Buy 2 Let, a flip and 5 Serviced Accommodation units. One of the best things about property investors network is the supportive community that you join into.

Paul has over 20 years experience in the construction industry, whilst also being a Prince2 qualified Project Manager and regularly speaks at other meetings
helping others on their property journey.

Jan is a qualified Accountant and has a solid head on her shoulders for numbers which helps in this business.

Our ambition for Kent pin is to create a friendly environment where you can meet up with experts in various property fields and make local contacts and friends to help you along your property journey.

We really look forward to meeting you at the next Kent pin Meeting.

Paul and Janet Wilson

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