Preparing for a Recession with Property Investment in the UK

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In this Property Education video, Simon Zutshi, author of Property Magic, founder of the property investors network (pin), a successful property investor since 1995, highlights what he thinks are The Property Investment Strategies to Focus On In a Recession.

If you are wondering how you could be Preparing for a Recession with Property Investment in the UK, Simon stresses the importance of learning more about Recession Proof Property Investing Strategies such as HMO Property Investing / High End HMOs and Serviced Accommodation.

Is the UK Property Market Crashing? Find out what Simon thinks about a UK House Price Crash 2022, but also how following his Golden Rules for Buying Properties will help you even if UK Property Values fall in the near future.

For Recession Proof Property Investing, Simon elaborates on the specific criteria you should have in mind, this includes making sure the property generates high Cash Flow but also ensuring that you represent good value for your tenants.

Simon summarises how HMO Property or Serviced Accommodation in the UK are two key Rental Property Investing Strategies to consider when Preparing for a Recession.

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