How to Do Due Diligence for Your Property Investing

Click here to book a place at your local pin MeetingHow to Do Due Diligence For Your Property Investing in the UK? Do you do your Due Diligence? Property Expert, Simon Zutshi, stresses the reason why you should definitely Carry Out Effective Due Diligence. In order to avoid some very expensive mistakes when building your Property Portfolio, familiarise yourself with …

From £100k Loss To £100k Profit! 

Our client, an overseas investor, was on the brink of losing £100,000 on a property project gone awry. After reaching out for help and coaching, she turned the situation around and is now set to make at least a £100,000 profit—a £200,000 swing in the right direction. This story highlights the incredible impact of getting expert help and advice. Background of …

A Beginner’s Guide to Buy to Let Property UK

Click here to schedule a Strategy Consultation CallAre you in need of a complete Beginner’s Guide to Buy to Let Property UK?Understanding BTL Mortgages and gaining knowledge on Buy to Let Basics is essential for both beginner and experienced Property Investors. Find out more about ‘How does a Buy to Let Investment Work’ and many other Frequently Asked Questions associated …

Stretching Your Comfort Zone for Success

Tony Robbins famously said “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”To experience change in your life, you need to change your habits and actions. However, as humans, we are creatures of habit. About 90 to 95% of our actions are the same day in and day out. While we crave variety, we also …

Why You Should Stop Thinking Like a Homeowner

Click here to book your place onto a local pin Meeting near youWouldn’t you love to become an expert with Mastering UK Property Investment? Letting go of a Homeowner Mindset and adopting a Property Investor Mindset is essential for this. Whilst Property Expert Simon Zutshi cannot give you financial advice, he stresses the importance of Property Education in order for …

Interest Rate and House Prices Update

On the 9th of May, the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee announced that they’re deciding to leave interest rates unchanged at 5.25%. That’s as high as they have been since 2008.  However, they’ve remained at this level for about the last five or so meetings. At this meeting, two out of the nine members of the board were voting …

Property Market Update June 2024

Register here for the next Virtual Property ExhibitionWhat’s happening with the UK Property Market right now? With the Bank of England keeping Interest Rates at 5.25%, what is the impact on you and your Property Investing? Is it still a good time to invest in the current Housing Market? In this Property Market Update for June 2024, Property Expert Simon …

Maximising Your Most Valuable Resource 

Time, as they say, is money. But in reality, time is far more precious because you can never get it back once it’s gone. Investing your time wisely is crucial, especially in the property business. Robert Kiyosaki famously said.  “Wealthy individuals spend money to save time, while those with a poor mindset prefer to spend their time to save money.” Understanding …

How to Find Really Good Property Deals in the UK

Sign up for a 30 Day FREE Trial with full access to Property FilterHow to Find Great Property Deals in 2024? What is the most important skill to becoming a Successful Property Investor? The Essential Steps to Starting Your Property Portfolio is becoming familiar with Finding Property Deals in your area. Property Expert, Simon Zutshi, explains why finding the Right …

Making The Most Of Your Property Journey

Having Goals And Strategies The first thing I want to talk about is goals. You need to be clear about what you want to achieve from your property investing. Why do you want that? Which is what’s going to keep you motivated and keep you moving forward.   Let’s talk about strategy next. There are so many different strategies and I think …