From Single Let Property to Mega Deals

Hugh & Finn Mowat showcase how they have managed to achieve an incredible rental profit of £148.5k, over the last 12 months on Simon Zutshi’s Property Mastermind.

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Hugh & Finn begin by talking through their background prior to their Property Training with Simon, Hugh with a portfolio of 8 Single Let Properties and Finn with no prior experience of building a Property Portfolio.

Finn demonstrates How to Find Properties under Market Value, during a booming market, with his first Property Investment in the UK being a 1 Bed End of Terrace, 25% Below Market Value (BMV).

As part of their impressive Property Success journey, father and son talk through their first Mega Deal, which they had discovered at a local property investors network meeting. They were able to obtain a block of 13 flats using Vendor Finance which now generates an annual income of £100k+.

Find out more about Hugh and Finn’s Property Tips and Tricks on How to Become a Successful Property Investor such as taking action, Property Networking and being clear about your goals.



Simon Zutshi would like to invite you to join this 90 minute training where you can discover how the 12 month Property Mastermind Programme could change your life forever.


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