Attract the Best Motivated Sellers With Below Market Property Deals

Click here to watch a webinar hosted by the Find BMV Deals and Motivated Sellers Network

Interested in Marketing for Motivated Sellers?

In this Property Magic Podcast episode, Simon Zutshi is joined by ex Property Mastermind student, Lee Blake. They discuss How to Find and Attract the Best Motivated Sellers Using Below Market Value (BMV) Deals.

Wouldn't it be great if you could become an expert for Generating Leads and Talking to Motivated Sellers? What's even better is if you can learn How to Attract Motivated Buyers that come to you with the best Property Investment deals.

Lee blake talks through his initial background, prior to reading Simon's Property Magic, attending property investors network Meetings and finally joining Property Mastermind. Following this, he runs through some of his Property Success case studies, where you are able to pick up some Property Tips for your own property portfolio.

Both Simon and Lee stress the importance of 'win-win' ethical investing, and trying to emphasise with people by putting yourself in their shoes. If you are genuinely trying to help someone, a successful Property Purchase is more likely to happen.

Find out more about Lee's secrets to Generating Motivated Seller Leads who bring BMV Property Deals to you, so that you are able to grow your Investing Portfolio in 2024.

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