Doctor Goes From £0 – £76k pa From Property in Just 12 Months – Property Investing Case Study

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In this inspirational Property Case Study, Karthik Bhat displays how to Generate Wealth Through Property Investment, going from zero to an impressive £76k profit per year, in just 12 months, whilst on Simon Zutshi’s Property Mastermind.

Karthik who has been a doctor for a decade, qualified as a GP in 2019, working 60 hours a week, soon realised that his high income came at a high cost, emotionally and physically. He began to dislike what he initially loved to do, and really wanted more flexibility with his career, a stable income and financial security for his family.

Karthik came across Simon’s book Property Magic in 2022, following on from this, he attended Property Magic Live and then he attended the advanced 3 days Property Mastermind Accelerator and ultimately the Property Mastermind (MM32). Karthik demonstrates How to Get Started in Property Investing in the UK with zero property investing experience, after applying his knowledge from the valuable Property Education he received on the Mastermind programme.

Karthik soon became an expert with How to Analyse a Rental Property Deal, mainly focusing on Property Strategies such as Single Lets, Multi Lets, HMO Property Investing and Momentum Investing (BRRR Method).

He showcases Ways to Make Money from Property Investing, by using his HMO Property Deal (Project Hartingdon) as an example. This 4 Bed Mid Terraced Property, found through a Property Sourcer, was in need of a full ‘back to brick’ refurbishment in order to become a 7 Bed House of Multiple Occupancy. This HMO property has an estimated net profit of £23,520 p.a.

Tips for Beginner Property Investors? Karthik summarises his Property Investment Tips which include adopting a Mindset About Property Investing, Property Networking and overall persistence.

Find out how the Property Mastermind mentorship could help you achieve all of your property investing goals on the online property training here.


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