Is the UK in a Rental Crisis Right Now?

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Is this the start of a UK Rental Crisis? Are we in a Rental Crisis right now?

With the UK currently experiencing dramatic rent increases and a shortage of accommodation, Property Expert Simon Zutshi, addresses this topic. Despite Labour's Plan to Solve the Rental Crisis, people have had to bid to even get hold of accommodation, highlighting just how much tenants are losing out.

Is it the landlords fault? Whilst there is some truth to how landlords prevent people getting onto the property ladder, Simon explains how we'd be in an even worse Rental Crisis if it wasn't for them - using Scotland as an example. T

he labour government has spoken of many plans associated with the 2024 Housing Market such as bringing in Rent Controls and eliminating Section 21. Some of which could be disadvantagous for less fortunate tenants.

Simon stresses that when it comes to the concept of Landlords preventing people getting onto the property ladder, landlords purchase properties that First Time Buyers would actually avoid e.g. HMO's and Apartments.

Tenants should be particularly careful what they wish for, and if you can't beat landlords, why don't you join them? With so many Property Strategies available to utilise, Simon talks through how he is able to help you become an ethical property investor.



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