The Mindset To Be A Successful Property Investor

In this blog, I'm going to share with you one of the most important things to help you become a successful property investor, mindset.  Having  a successful property investor mindset is critically important. This is not just in property, but in anything you wish to do in life. Not having the correct mindset can make things very difficult.

So what do I mean by mindset?  We can break down the successful mindset in Real Estate into 3 simple points. I call this the 'ABC of Mindset'.

A is for Attitude

A, is for attitude. A is about having the can-do positive attitude. You must remember that there's always a solution. In property, things often go wrong. You can either dwell on the problem,or seek a solution. Having that can-do attitude, and the 'glass is half full' mentality, is really important.Your attitude often comes from your environment and your beliefs.

B is for Belief

B, stands for belief. What you believe is actually possible and what you think that you can personally do?You may think it's impossible to find motivated sellers in your area. You might also think it's impossible to find people who will lend you money. Or you think it's impossible to replace your income. Guess what, if that's what you believe you're absolutely right.

"If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're absolutely right." Henry Ford

You've got to be careful with the beliefs you have for the right mindset to be a successful property investor. These can come from your childhood. They can also come from your environment and from interactions with other people. However, we can actually change our beliefs the very same way.

Say, if we want to replace our income, all we have to do is find other people who've actually done it. If they've done it well, surely it means it's possible. Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to do it. Therefore, we need to make sure that we're finding people who can inspire us to learn. They can then change our thinking. If they can do it maybe I can also do this as well. So belief is absolutely critical to your success.

C is for Courage

The third element, C is for courage. It's about having the confidence to step outside of your comfort zone and achieving whatever you want in your life. I believe your success is waiting for you, just outside your comfort zone.

If you do what you've always done, you'll get the same results. The actions you take will lead to certain results. You need to change the things you do. If we want change in our life, we have to be the element of change, we have to change first. This is the correct mindset for a Real Estate Investor. Stepping outside your comfort zone can feel awkward or uncomfortable. But when you actually do it, you'll find it's not as bad as you thought.

"So that's the ABC of Mindset: attitude, belief, courage."

How can you work on your Mindset?

So how can you work on your mindset, how can you improve your mindset? I believe that it's something that we consistently need to do. For example, I like to surround myself with like-minded people. I fly to America for two separate Mastermind groups between  three and five times a year. It's expensive to go, it takes a lot of time. But I do it because I want to put myself in an environment where I'm not the smartest person. I want to be stretched. I want other people around me to stimulate my thinking. I want to look and learn from what they do. So think about your environment. You could achieve this by going  to a local property investor network meeting.

Now if you're interested in investing in property, the people around you, family, friends, work colleagues, they probably don't get it. If you then listen to them they might deter you. But if you do know what you're doing, now is a fantastic time to invest because there's so much uncertainty.

"I believe that mindset is the most important thing, with anything you want to do in your life. You've got to have the right mindset."
Go against the Grain

Sometimes you've got to go against what the general population think. By going to a pin Meeting you're getting yourself around like-minded people who share your ambitions. They say: "wow, that's amazing, how are you going to do it? how can I help you?" It's a different way of thinking thanks to a totally different environment. So put yourself into a suitable environment first of all.

be careful what you put into your head

Secondly, be very careful what you put into your head. Stop watching the news on TV and listening to the news on radio, or even reading newspapers. Whilst It's important to know what's going on in the world, the negativity of the news can adversely affect your mindset. So instead choose what you put into your head. You can listen to great audio books such as 'Property Magic'. With podcasts, you can listen to successful property people. We just released a 'Property Magic Podcast' available on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify for free, to inspire and motivate you.

be conscious of what you're saying

Finally, be careful about your attitude, what you say to other people, and what you say to yourself. This is because we can sometimes talk ourselves out of things . You've got to be careful of the language you're putting out there because language and words have energy. So be conscious of what you're saying and what you're thinking and that's the final way to help with your mindset.


Closing Thoughts

I believe that mindset is the most important thing, with anything you want to do in your life. You've got to have the right mindset. I meet people who know what to do, they've got the knowledge, they know strategies. But they don't take action because they lack the right mindset for property investing. If you feel that way, you may want to start thinking about how you can improve your mindset. I hope we can help you with that.

Go and get the audio copy of 'Property Magic' or download the free 'Property Magic Podcast'. You can potentially be inspired. We can help you build the right mindset to be a successful investor.

"I believe your success is waiting for you just outside your comfort zone. Because if you do what you've always done, you'll get the same results."



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