The Secret to Building Wealth Using Property Investing – HMO Conversions


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In this incredible Property Case Study, Doctor Laura Sheldrake becomes an expert at Mastering UK Property Investment, acquiring 4 properties over the last year, after signing up to Simon's 12 month Property Mastermind.

How to Get Started in Property Investing UK? As a GP during Covid, Laura and her husband Ian (also a doctor) saw a lot of suffering, encouraging them to start rethinking plans regarding their future.

After investing in a run down property, they realised that whilst this Property Deal worked well, the process took so long. This led to Laura reading Simon's Property Magic and attending his Property Training, with her father and 3 children being her main motivation.

What is Modern Method Auction? As part of Laura's Property Investment Strategies, she chose to utilise HMO Conversions secured under Modern Method of Auction, and source her deals via Property Filter. To do this, she used some of her own money, some of others, alongside using the BRRRR Method to recycle cash.

An example of one of her HMO Properties include a 7 Bed HMO which now generates an impressive monthly net profit of £1,732.

Laura summarises her Top Tips by outlining the factors which contributed to her Property Success, these include adopting the right mindset, support from a network, Property Power Team and fellow investors.

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