Your Booking is Confirmed

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you.

Thank you! We hope you enjoy the online national pin Meeting

How to get the most out of this online event:

We've emailed you a confirmation of your bookingWe’ve emailed you a confirmation of your booking. Check your inbox for the event information. Please email if this does not come through.
Add the event to your work calendarMake sure you don't forget or double book
Make sure you've got enough business cardsIf you don't have any, now is the time to order some!
Dress up and look smartRemember, first impressions count for a lot!
Bring your notepad or phone/tabletDon't miss those golden nuggets, be prepared to take notes
Stick around afterwards, if you canMake the most of the networking opportunity
Turn up early so you don't miss the networkingGive yourself enough time to meet new people

Add to your Calendar

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Bring a Friend or Colleague...

Do you have a friend or colleague interested in property investment? Why not bring them along? They'll need their own ticket of course but as you've just seen, the booking process is very straightforward. Click the Facebook Share button below to send them a link to our meetings page:

Do you have a question for any of our experts on the panel? 


If so please do submit your question here: