Housing Market Update – November

In this blog I want to give you a Housing Market Update 2020. This is for the UK property markets. I’ve been investing in property in the UK for 25 years, So why am I writing this blog? Well, the property market is changing and it’s really important that you are kept up to date if you want to understand …

Should I Buy Investment Property Now?

Should I buy investment property now? That’s what this property education training blog is all about. This is a question I’m always asked no matter what’s happening in the market. The thing they’re thinking about is, is now a good time to be buying investment property here in the UK. I think most people expect the property market might dip …

Property Investing With No Money

In this blog, I’m going to show you how you can invest in property with no money. Very often, I get asked by people, “How can you invest in property with no money?” Well, I’ll discuss some of the realities with you here, and then I’ll share some of the creative financing strategies you can use so you can invest …

An Introduction to Creative Finance

In this blog, I will be giving you an introduction to creative finance. In other words, how you can finance your next property deal using none of your own money. I have purchased a number of properties using none of my own money, and I’ve taught many of my students how to do this successfully as well. Now it’s important …

2021 Housing Crash – My Prediction

In this blog I’m going to talk about the 2021 Property Market Crash. Are prices going to crash in 2021? Let’s look at some of the things that are happening and might influence the market. Ultimately, nobody knows with 100% certainty what’s going to happen. But we can look at some of the factors that might contribute to a 2021 housing …

Commercial Property Opportunity

Before I go any further about Commercial Property Opportunities, I want to be really open here. I don’t claim to be an expert in Commercial Property, and I’ve only ever bought five of them. All of which I’ve also converted into residential apartments. So I’m not a Commercial Property expert, but anyone who’s got two eyes and some common sense …

How to Get the Most Out of Virtual Property Networking

I’ve been investing in property for 25 years myself. I believe that some of the people I’ve met through networking, the things I’ve learned through networking have been the most valuable experiences I’ve gained all my 25-year property investing journey. That’s why I started the Property Investor Network back in 2003, as there were no property networking meetings in the …

An Introduction to Vendor Finance

In this post, I want to give you an introduction to Vendor Finance. This is where the seller of a property helps you buy the property by lending you the deposit money. I’ve used this strategy personally. Now, bit of a health warning here. You need to make sure you do this correctly so you’re not doing anything that’s dodgy …

22 Questions You MUST Ask Property Owners

In this blog, I want to share with you the 22 questions you should ask property sellers. Actually there are 13 key questions and then nine follow on questions that most investors wouldn’t even think about asking or dream asking. Once you know these questions, you’re going to get a competitive advantage and be able to do more property deals. …