UK House Prices Will Not Stop Falling Until 2025

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In this brand new Property Education video, Simon Zutshi addresses an article from The Guardian stating how UK House Prices Will Not Stop Falling Until 2025.

According to some property experts, the Housing Market Crash Can’t Be Stopped. With this Guardian Article showcasing a Lloyds Banking forecast, it is predicting UK House Prices to Fall Until 2025.

What is happening with the UK Property Market right now? Simon elaborates on what could potentially be in store for Buy to Let Property investors and answers the ultimate question, Is the UK Housing Market Going to Crash?

If you were wondering What’s Going to Happen to Property Prices, the reality is that nobody knows. You can however, understand what Property Investors can do during this massive uncertainty with the current Falling Property Market.

Whilst Simon doesn’t personally believe there will be a Property Market Crash, we may still experience Falling Property Prices going into 2024, because of there being no change with the Bank of England Interest Base Rate.

Interest Rate Hikes, investors with Negative Cash Flow, the impact of Section 24, Landlords Selling Up - are all contributing factors as to why UK Property Prices are currently coming down.

So what does all of this mean for you and your Property Investing?

Simon encourages you to learn How to Find Good Property Deals. By making use of Property Strategies such as HMO Property Investment and Serviced Accommodation, which both generate a high cash flow, it is still possible to get buy to let finance right now. By utilizing Rent to Rent and Lease Options, it is also possible to invest in property without needing a mortgage at all.

With the correct Property Training and knowledge, there is always a way to become a successful property investor, regardless of what is happening in the Housing Market.


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