April Housing Market – UK Report

In this blog, I’m going to share with you a property market update for April 2021. I’m going to share with you what’s happening in the property market right now, and what we think’s going to happen based on all the macro and microeconomic factors happening in the UK property market right now. I’m also going to consider why has …

HMO Property Investment Myths Busted 2021

In this blog, I’m going to bust the five main myths about HMO’s, Houses of Multiple Occupation. Why is this important? Well, I believe HMO’s are a fantastic strategy, but if you don’t really understand HMO’s or of you’re put off by some of these myths, you’re going to miss out on what is probably one of the best investment …

2021 Budget Announcement & What It Means for Property Investors

In this blog, I’m going to share with you the Rishi Sunak budget announcement and how it affects us as property investors. I have to say, this has actually been probably one of the most anticipated budgets that I’ve ever seen, but actually I believe one of the best budgets for us as property investors, and it’s definitely going to …

March Housing Market Forecast

In this blog, I’m going to give you a housing market update for March, 2021. I’m going to answer the question – Will the property market crash in 2021 and give you my property market prediction for this year. I do these updates every single month and I must admit that this month is a little bit different. I have …

How to Replace Your Income By Selling Property Deals Part Time

In this blog, I’m going to share with you ‘How you can replace your full-time income by selling property deals part-time’. Is it really possible? Yes, it is absolutely possible. Now, I’m not saying it’s easy. There’s definitely time and effort involved, but it can be done very much part-time, give you enough money, more money than you’re earning right …

BRRRR Property Investing Strategy Explained

In this blog I’ll explain how you can profit, using the BRRRR method otherwise, known as Momentum Investing. It is a classic strategy, you buy a property that is ideally below market value. It needs some sort of work doing to it. So that’s the B first of all, then you refurb that property. The idea is you might be …

UK Housing Market Update February

In this blog, I’m going to give you UK Property News, 2021. A February Housing Market Update. I’m going to share with you my Housing Market 2021 forecast because I’m often asked when the housing crash 2021 will happen, or even will the property market crash? I’ve seen a number of booms and crashes over my 25 years of investing. …

Capital Gains Tax Changes in 2021

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about the capital gains tax changes in 2021. This is a really important post. If you’re a property investor, you need to understand what could potentially happen to capital gains tax because it might influence the way you’re going to invest. With all the property investors network networking meetings around UK, we …

Interest Only vs Repayment Mortgage

In this blog post, I’m going to discuss if should you have interest only or repayment mortgages if you want to invest in the UK. Now this is a really important topic you need to get your head around because this is going to have a massive impact on the cash flow on your properties if you get this wrong. …

Why Lease Options Work Best in a Recession

In this blog I’m going to share with you why lease options work best in a recession. How you can gain cash flow and equity growth from property you don’t even own. I’ve been investing in property for 25 years, and Lease Options are one of my favourite strategies, why? Because they work really well. It doesn’t matter if you’re …