good property deal

What Makes A Good Property Deal?

Many property investors don’t know what makes a good property deal. I want to help you understand how you could save time and effort by actually knowing this. You can also spot the opportunities that other investors may miss.  What makes a great deal for one person, may not for another. This really depends on your personal strategy. But also …

property power team

Building Your Property Power Team

One of the secrets to successful property investing is having a team of people around you who can help you achieve your goals. This would be your Property Power Team. A group of individuals and companies will help you to achieve far more than you could possibly do on your own. Building a Property Power Team is one of the …

property networking benefits

Benefits Of Property Networking Events

I used to be shy and felt uncomfortable at the thought of attending any property networking events. Having to start conversations with complete strangers was something I found to be daunting. Yet since I attended my first business networking meeting in 2001, I have become a big fan of networking. I realised that there was so many property networking benefits …

purchase lease option

What Is A Purchase Lease Option?

Confirm Opt-inThis is one particular strategy that I have been using since 2007. I believe it is one of the best strategies to use, particularly in the current market conditions. But a purchase lease option is also misunderstood and overlooked as a strategy. As I don’t want you to miss out on using it, I am going to explain what you …