Why is Buy to Let the Worst Property Strategy This Year

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Will Buy to Let Work in 2023? With Major Buy to Let Problems Revealed, Simon begins to talk through why Buy to Lets are Dead in 2023. Whilst Buy to Lets UK have been a really good Property Investment in the past, recent changes with the Housing Market and in particular the impact rising interest rates has meant that they no longer generate good Cash Flow.

Simon shares his Property Advice regarding BTL Property Investment and the 2 main factors as to why they are not a profitable Property Investing Strategy right now. These factors include: the impact of rising interest rates on Variable Mortgages, and the effect of Section 24.

As part of his Single Buy to Let Update, Simon underlines his Property Price Prediction, emphasizing how a lot of landlords will now be looking to sell their properties. He also talks through the question ‘Is the UK Property Market About to Crash?’.

Simon summarizes the overall Best and Worst Property Strategies in 2023, explaining why HMO Property Investment and Serviced Accommodation are perfect for the current Property Market. If you want to know How to Become a Successful Property Investor and utilize advanced Property Strategies, it is important that you follow the right Property Training and know how to do things properly when property investing.

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