Joint Venture Agreement – What You Need To Know

In this blog you are going to learn all about the meaning of a joint venture in property. So what is a joint venture agreement? Well, a joint venture is where two or more parties come together and work together for mutual benefits. For example, a property investor (person A) may find a really good property deal but run out …

Legal Advice for Purchase Lease Options

This blog is all about Legal Advice for Purchase Lease Options. Now, of course, I can’t actually give you legal advice because I’m not a solicitor. But what I can do is educate you around some of the legal advice topics involved with Purchase Lease Option Agreements. Are PLOs Legal? Now the first question people ask me is, “Are Options …

The Mindset To Be A Successful Property Investor

In this blog, I’m going to share with you one of the most important things to help you become a successful property investor, mindset.  Having  a successful property investor mindset is critically important. This is not just in property, but in anything you wish to do in life. Not having the correct mindset can make things very difficult. So what …

HMO Planning And Licensing Explained

In this blog, I want to explain to you the difference between HMO Planning and Licensing Requirements. This is a topic that people get very confused about. In fact, so much so, that it puts them off of investing in HMOs, as they do not understand the HMO regulations and requirements. That’s a real shame, because HMOs are one of …

HMO Myths

HMO Myths – 5 Myths Busted!

In this article I want to bust the five main HMO myths. That’s properties also known as Houses of Multiple Occupation. I’ve been a student HMO landlord since 1998. I meet a lot of investors who want to get into HMOs because they want the best strategies to quickly replace their income. However, a lot of people are put off …

Deal Sourcing for Beginners

This blog is all about deal sourcing for beginners. So what is deal sourcing? Well very simply, it’s about finding great property deals, either for yourself, or to sell onto another investor for a fee. I am going share exactly what makes a great deal in this deal sourcing beginners guide. One of the most important things you need to …

Finding Property Owner Information

How do I go about finding property owner information? That’s a question that I’m often asked and I’m going to answer in this blog. Now very often you might be out and about and you might see a derelict property, or a property that’s been boarded up. You then think “I wonder if there’s an opportunity there?”, and very often …

The Effects of Brexit on Property Investing

Effect of Brexit on the UK Property Market

In this blog, I want to explain what I believe will be the effect of Brexit on the UK property market. How you can prepare for that and also profit from the situation as well. Now Brexit is a complete mess. There’s no question, because of all the uncertainty, a lot of people are waiting to see what happens. Frankly, …


No Money Down Property In The UK

In this blog, I’m going to talk to you about no money down property in the UK. What I’m going to talk about works not only in the UK, but actually no money down property investing anywhere in the world. I have written this because a lot of people think, “Is it true? Can you really buy property no money …


Common Property Investing Mistakes – Avoiding ‘The Landlord Trap’

In this blog, I’m going to share with you how you can avoid one of the common property investing mistakes that most property investors make. This is not just new property investors. I meet many experienced property investors who are still making this mistake. I don’t want that for you.The Landlord TrapWhen I first started investing in property, I was …